Links and information about hops and beer

General information on hops and hop growing

Diamant - the Hüll aroma variety has been available since its introduction in 2020 Click here for the flyer
Titan - the newest Hüll aroma variety, has been available since its introduction in 2023. Click here for the flyer

Citrus Bark Cracking Viroid (CBCVd) - harmless to humans and animals - no effect on beer quality!
Read more in the official press realease of the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL)

Annual Report Hops 2023 of the Bavarian State Institute for Agriculture and the Society for Hop Research
Calculation aid for hop fields - online calculation of cover costs for hop production, provided by the LfL
Grünes Heft - The bible for hop growing, all important information

Our partners and friends:


IGN Hopfenvermarktungs- und Vertriebs- GmbH

BarthHaas GmbH & Co. KG

Spalter - Hopfen GmbH


HopsDirect LLC

Slohops d.o.o.

Mühlviertler Hopfen



Schuema Malzfabrik

Trade associations and organizations - Hops:

Verband Deutscher Hopfenpflanzer e.V.

Ring junger Hopfenpflanzer

Hopfenring e.V.

Deutscher Hopfenwirtschaftsverband

Beer barrels:

Fassbüttnerei Weis Fasshandel e. K

Wilhelm Schmid Fassfabrik GmbH

spare parts for breweries:


Altmann GmbH & Co. KG


suppliers for breweries:

proBrau GmbH - Consulting firm specialized in breweries

bmt weigt

Täuber Mühlen- und Maschinenbau GmbH

Horstkötter GmbH & Co. KG

trade associations beer:

Brewers of Europe

Deutscher Brauerbund

Bayrischer Brauerbund

Deutsche Kreativbrauer

Die Freien Brauer


suppliers for hopgrowers:

Wolf: Pflück- und Trocknungstechnik

Fuß Maschienenbau

Magic Soils Australia - Coconut twine for hop growing, sustainable products for agriculture

Draht Handel & Service Joachim (DHJ)

friends and everything with beer:

Hausfreund Bier

EdelSalz - Salt in all flavors, especially the beer salt is recommended

Kasper Communications

Bier und München - Professional beer tasting for companies and private individuals in Munich
You are a service provider,manufacturer or supplier for hop cultivation or brewery? Here you can register in our list.